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Bowman Faces Uphill Battle In June 2024 Democratic Primary

Bowman Faces Uphill Battle in June 2024 Democratic Primary

Latimer Enjoys a Double-Digit Lead

With just weeks to go until the June 2024 Democratic primary, incumbent Congressman Jamaal Bowman is facing an uphill battle to retain his seat. According to a recent poll, Bowman's challenger, moderate White county executive Latimer, enjoys a double-digit lead.

Overpowered on the Airwaves and Behind in the Polls

Bowman has been outspent by Latimer on the airwaves and trails him in the polls. A recent poll found that Latimer leads by 12 points, with 52% of likely Democratic voters saying they would vote for him, compared to 40% for Bowman.

Embracing the Left's Star

In an attempt to energize his base, Bowman has embraced the left's star, progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). Ocasio-Cortez recently campaigned for Bowman in New York and has endorsed his candidacy.

Historically Expensive Bid

The bid to unseat Rep. Jamaal Bowman is one of the most expensive in the country. Latimer has raised over $10 million, while Bowman has raised over $5 million. The race is expected to be a close one, and both candidates are expected to spend heavily in the final weeks of the campaign.
