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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Faces Questions In House Of Commons

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Faces Questions in House of Commons

Sunak and Starmer Clash at Prime Minister's Questions

London, UK - June 21, 2023

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak faced tough questions from Labour leader Keir Starmer in the House of Commons today. The session, known as Prime Minister's Questions, saw Sunak and Starmer engage in a lively debate on a range of issues, including the cost of living crisis and the government's handling of the pandemic.

The Prime Minister was pressed by Starmer on the government's decision to raise taxes, with the Labour leader arguing that the move would disproportionately affect working families. Sunak defended the decision, saying that it was necessary to reduce the deficit and fund essential public services.

The session also saw Sunak and Starmer clash over the government's handling of the pandemic. Starmer accused the government of being slow to react to the crisis and of failing to provide adequate support to businesses and individuals. Sunak countered that the government had taken swift action to protect the public and the economy, and that it would continue to do everything necessary to support the country during this difficult time.
